Vision & Mission ?! - Bah! They are both just fluff! - A guide on alignment, direction and product evangelism.

Once when I asked a Product Manager about their product vision & mission, they said it was all fluff and didn't really do anything!

I went on to explain that it drives alignment which impacts value creation and is a critical piece of influencing and driving decisions.

More importantly, it's key to inspire people.

Purpose of this guide

Help product managers understand the importance of product visions and what they can do to help influence it and how you can drive alignment in an organization.

A successful PM is able to influence without authority and create change to bring alignment to decisions and direction. This is definitely easier said than done and what differentiates an experienced PM from a junior one.

Updates to article

2nd Update 12/09/2022

1392 words

  • Edit to Intro
  • Added Purpose of the Guide
  • Changed format to add Parts and added new content to the detailed part of the guide.
  • Added new images to explain concepts
  • Redone formatting overall article
  • Added external links

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Part 1 - Alignment & Direction

The common enemy - Alignment & Direction

A common problem in majority of the organizations is a lack of alignment.

This can be seen with teams scrambling or running around like "headless chickens" with their commanders giving convoluted and most often than not contradictory commands.

The main issue here is a lack of vision or alignment & direction on vision.
As a product manager, your job depends on bringing about clarity to the above.

One of my mentors and ex-line managers - Venkat Thatikonda, used this image in 2015 to explain my direction and lack of alignment. He had this image printed and stuck on the wall while we worked for a company that had 100,000+ employees, multiple business units and sub-companies. Even to date he quotes this and sends it to me from time to time for a laugh when we talk about this topic! Thank you Venkat for the lifelong lessons!

Lack of alignment & direction!

How can a product manager influence the lack of alignment on vision and bring clarity to direction?

  • To do this, the product manager must understand what the organization's strengths and weaknesses are.
  • They must also understand the opportunities and unfair advantages it has.
  • Then determine a problem that is worth solving and can drive alignment on all levels using a technique such as product evangelism to get this idea across and validate if it has bones!

Note: Organization culture matters - if the culture is not supportive, no matter what you try it won't be successful. Or you may be fired or pushed out of the company for doing so - (yup been there more than once!).

For a Product Manager to be successful they have to learn how to build trust, engagement and work with circles of influence.

This also means influencing culture. This is an art that comes with trying.

So go practice and don't give up if you are unable to succeed more than once. Sometimes things are just not meant to be.

Part 2 - Evangelism

🤔 So WT* is product evangelism?

The easy answer - it's like being a car salesman who sells you on the vision on a fairly large investment.

The bigger question is how do you do product evangelism?

Well, think of a founder trying to pitch a product or business idea to a VC board to get funding.

🏆 They have to put a lot of effort into creating prototypes, presentation decks, and a pitch.

However, the way to go about in an organization is to find out where the key problems lie for the customer and your stakeholders and then create a movement of change within the organization and revolutionize it.

Start small and think big!

1- Define the product vision

When business vision is unclear, product vision can help define the business vision and bring clarity to teams and alignment across an organization.

So start with listing down the product vision on a whiteboard, then the problem that you are trying to solve and how this aligns with it.

Make an assumption here at first, if you don't know what the vision is, alternatively collect stakeholders' opinions and views to generate a better view on what the vision is. Either way - ask around.

  • If you are in a startup - ask the FOUNDER!
  • In larger organizations, this may sit with the senior product manager or product director or even head of product and at times even the chief product officer (yup that means there are some huge delegation problems!).
    So ask around.

Examples of product vision, product definitions, and value proposition

product vision
product definitions and value proposition

2- Make a low-fidelity proof of concept of your idea

Create a hand sketch of what you are trying to pitch and ideate on it.

  • Let it sink in, validate it with friends and family first and see what people you trust think about it.
  • You will end up getting suggestions and feedback which can help you iterate it.

Here is an example from an idea I came up with in 2021 of a "super-app" connecting everything from paying your bills to social media platforms like Facebook to something like a payments engine like Stripe and a loyalty platform behind that collecting points.

I used this to evangelize an idea across a team in a Fintech startup that had a whole bunch of products but not a vision to connect the experiences like the application WeChat.

Example of a low fidelity proof of concept 

3- Research - User & Customer

If you are lucky your organization has a product designer, if not speak to your UX researcher and see what they understand about the problem your product might solve.  

There are 2 parts here - pains and gains.  

Note: Maybe you are unlucky and neither roles exist in your organization, in that case then you need to roll up your sleeves and do some hunting!

The research team might have already conducted user interviews or have some research on these pains and gains.

They may also have a different perspective to the idea you have which is great to avoid the problem of different types of biases product managers face.

Pro tip: Join the researchers in future research sessions with customers. This can be instrumental in understanding what customers really need (not want!) and give you a first-hand understanding of the customer's point of view (POV).

Example of product needs - pains and gains

product needs - pains and gains