Rebooted & what's new.

Aloha! let me start by saying, it's been a while and I hope you are well!

It's been a while since I published on via email, and here is why.

I was working towards rebooting the publication.

Experiments and soul searching!

To do this, I wanted to work on some quality content, conduct some experiments and determine how I was going to approach the reboot.

The soul-searching has led me down a pathway of creating content daily on LinkedIn and also, adding new content to the existing papers and guides.

New writing style:

In addition to this, I have also written a few pieces for airfocus product learn which have helped me explore what I like and don't like to write about!

What's New:

You will also find that I have updated all the guides on digitalproductjobs. So please feel free to revisit any older articles, any updated content will have a section to say what has changed.


  • I will be making changes to this publication in the coming weeks.
  • Launching the weekly digests as a separate publication
  • If you are subscribed to this, you will get an additional publication for free, nothing is required from your end.
  • You can decide to stay subscribed to both or either or none.

Why the 2 Publications?

The idea behind these 2 publications is to have certain types of long-form and short-form content addressing different types of needs but also allow me to experiment with my writing and storytelling styles.

digitalproductjobs will be focused on product teams, trying to improve their ways of working with guides and research papers, while theproductdigest will cover things happening across business, product, and tech with my unique perspective on it.

Things you may have missed


How to Say No as a Product Manager

How To Say No as a Product Manager
As a PM, you are responsible for prioritizing what problems development teams should solve next by actually spending time on the discovery, analyzing data and communicating with others.

Part 1 - Product Discovery Guide

Product Discovery – A Product Managers Guide on Discovery Processes in Product Development - Part 1
The main purpose of this complex process is for teams to continuously find value propositions in the product to build out problem solution fit followed by product market fit followed by business model fit.

Part 2 - Product Discovery Guide

Product Discovery – A Product Managers Guide on Discovery Processes in Product Development - Part 2
In the second part of this guide, we will explore addressing the viability of a product idea by looking at costs, revenue models, and feature strategy.

Updated: The typical career pathway in product management. Things you need to know to build your career in product as a PM & how to design your product function as a CPO.

The typical career pathway in product management. Things you need to know to build your career in product as a PM & how to design your product function as a CPO.
The purpose of this guide is to inform, help and design the perfect career pathway guide for anyone in product. Aspiring Product Managers and Product Managers You can use this to understand what a career in product looks like.Chief Product Officers You can use this to design and build out your pro…

Opinion Column

How do product owners contribute to product vision, they don't.

How Do Product Owners Contribute to the Product Vision? They Don’t.
In this article, KJ Sethna shares his perspective on product owners and their contribution to the product vision.

Agile Project Organization vs Empowered Product Organization

Agile Project Organizations vs. Empowered Product Organizations
In this article, we compare both approaches & highlight their unique benefits, helping orgs choose the best approach for their goals & culture, leading to successful outcomes.

Updated: Why do they keep hiring product owners 🧐 & not product managers?! And why you should avoid companies that do!

Why do they keep hiring product owners 🧐 & not product managers?! And why you should avoid companies that do!
In 2021, I was working on a transformation for a client which failed! Soon, a conversation with an aspiring product manager at that organization took place about their frustration with the organization and further, the difference between PO and PM. This led me to explain the concept of project vs


The impact of systems and design thinking on product management function design.

The Impact of Systems and Design Thinking on Product Management Function Design
As a product organization scales, it is impacted by 2 types of ‘thinking’ - design thinking and systems thinking.

Updated: The 300 year history of product from 1700s to 2021 🤯, a story of how product management became the leading profession for generations to come.

The typical career pathway in product management. Things you need to know to build your career in product as a PM & how to design your product function as a CPO.
The purpose of this guide is to inform, help and design the perfect career pathway guide for anyone in product. Aspiring Product Managers and Product Managers You can use this to understand what a career in product looks like.Chief Product Officers You can use this to design and build out your pro…
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Cheerio from down under!