My secrets on boosting your LinkedIn Profile SEO and unlocking opportunities that take you to the next level.

Did you know that every element of your LinkedIn profile matters?!

Disregarding the power of a stellar LinkedIn profile is like striding into the professional arena with rumpled attire, undermining the impact of a polished and captivating appearance!

LinkedIn and other search engines index, things on your profile. This drives visibility which drives opportunity.

Key to remember, we aren't in the 80s or early 2000s where word of mouth and having a physical network opens up opportunities for employment.

Optics matter on LinkedIn.
I classify this into 2 types of impact:
The Opportunity and The Social.
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The opportunity impact

LinkedIn directly influences your opportunities in securing new job prospects, consulting roles, contract gigs, and most importantly building a network!

The techniques discussed here are something, I have guided multiple people to do and it has managed to get them roles and interviews across companies like

  • Tesla, Amazon, Big Commerce, Real Estate Group, Jio Reliance, and more.
  • It has also gotten people that I coach pay increases of $30-50k and unlocked opportunities they didn't think they could get access to.
  • Personally, I have been able to make a living with six figures over the last 6 years and grow in my career by unlocking opportunities through this method.
  • This has also unlocked 20 - 30k consulting gigs for me over the last 3 years.

The social impact

Furthermore, when commencing a new job, your colleagues are likely to visit your profile, making it the modern-day first impression.

In the below example, you can see how many people from a given company will look at a profile prior to meeting the person for work.

Example of my profile views in the last 90 days

Step 1 - Skills setup

Update your skills and ensure you have 50 of 50 listed.

LinkedIn has introduced Skills in 3 different places.

The About /Summary section

This is the most looked-at section on anyone's profile and now having top 5 skills added here allows you to share the key area of expertise that you have.

  • To add these skills - hit the pencil edit button at the top right
  • At the bottom part of the Edit About popup click Add skill
  • Type your skills and save.
  • These skills will generally be populated through the list in your skills section as mentioned below.
  • The Role section
    You are now able to add the top 5 skills in any role.

    To do this, navigate to the section to edit the role
    URL : YOUR PROFILE NAME/details/experience/

Click on Add Skills, ensure you add only 5 otherwise the user interface will not show the top 5 skills.

Ensure that these skills are relevant to your current job search.

  • The Skills section

This is generally the most neglected section of most people's profiles. It has the deepest impact on job recommendations that show up on your profile. It also impacts the ranking of how you appear in a job application through Linkedin's application tracking system.

The rest of this article is Member only, it's free to signup, so take this opportunity to sign up, log-in, and continue reading.

You also get free access to LinkedIn profile tips and my help on optimizing your profile.

So if you are looking for a 1-1 coach in your job hunt and help to update your LinkedIn profile, sign up and reach out.